



Retouching a Portrait

I will share with you some before and after images in this area. While some photos can be crafted with the light at the time we take them, others will be brought to a conclusion with retouching techniques. Neither is more valid in my mind but both have their place to express a vision.

Images for Retouching Before and After

35mm film scan

Retouched using

Imagenomic Noiseware

and Portraiture plug ins


next example

If you find the information useful, please send what ever you feel is fair. Thanks!

Video Tutorials

I'll be adding video tutorials here on the processes involved in creating some of these images,as well as additional video tutorials on a variety of image editing ideas and workflows. Here is a short presentation with some before and after images. This does not include a workflow, but does go into some discussion of it. This video is on making presets in Lightroom to use in the development of your images.



coming soon video turorials see sample start